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I was wrong about Mercury Retrograde

I might be wrong about Mercury Retrograde...

There is some sort of portal opening. I know, I know... Mercury Retrograde started yesterday and people always freak out about it, but based on what’s happening for me - I think it might be getting a bad rap this time.

Yesterday (start of MR…) something magical happened to both my partner and I separately - and the thing they had in common was they were both related to podcasts, manifestation, and the consistency of our work.

Yesterday I recorded a podcast with my coach Beth Weinstein. I’ve been a part of Beth’s business Mastermind for the last 11 months and it has been nothing short of miraculous.

As I was getting ready to record, I had a chance to reflect on the year and how much has changed, how far I’ve come. Last year at this time I was just getting my shoulder back out of a sling after surgery and starting physical therapy - but even more impressive than that was making the decision to expand out of just doing breathwork and into integration coaching.

That was scary AF because it meant that I had to get honest about my own story and share about my integration and how plant medicine and psychedelics have helped me heal. How these medicines helped me stop drinking, leave an abusive marriage, and start a business that’s aligned with my soul's purpose (just to start with).

In hindsight, one of the biggest questions I’ve had throughout this year in the coaching program is how do I merge the breathwork I was offering and the coaching that I wanted to step into? At first they felt separate and I’ve worked at it from a few different angles this year as I’ve developed different offerings.

So here’s when the magic happened…as Beth and I were talking about my experience on the podcast suddenly things started to click. Answers to these questions I've been working through all year started coming in more clearly than they’ve ever been.

I literally couldn’t sleep last night because from the time I got off the podcast till now I’ve been writing down the insights and ideas that have been flowing as a result of that conversation.

One of the things that we talked about during the podcast was having an attitude of curiosity and looking at entrepreneurship as a journey - where you’re always learning something. Not a dualistic black and white perspective where you’re either winning or losing (side note - for me this comes from my Buddhist practice, which is one of the things I’ve been getting insights on integrating).

There’s a Buddhist saying that “everything becomes the path”. So even though this year has had a LOT of challenges...and it hasn’t always felt like everything was working out - it’s the consistency and not giving up that all came together yesterday so that I could experience this ongoing moment of clarity!

By the way, if you’ve been feeling called towards starting a business Beth’s new mastermind is beginning soon. As a past student, if you mention me when you talk to her there’s a $500 discount to your enrollment. Just in case that’s something you’re feeling called to.

And… the podcast portal wasn’t limited to me...

Literally in the next room my partner Ayahuasca Kaur was recording a podcast with one of her biggest inspirations, Hamilton Souther, who is a prolific ayahuasca maestro and oner of Blue Morpho retreats in Peru (among other things - the man is a force of nature).

This podcast just fell into her lap - Hamilton reached out to her! But again, just like my experience,, if she hadn’t been so consistent in her business, and been doing so much work over the last couple years, this wouldn't have spontaneously happened. There’s a saying that I fully agree with that “overnight success” takes years of hard work.

So not only do we both have these incredible podcast experiences at practically the same time - but they have been portals that have continued to be open for both of us (I haven’t talked to her yet, but I already mentioned I couldn’t sleep).

She was really inspired by the conversation and brimming with ideas and insights and I started getting insights and downloads from listening to Hamilton on her podcast - a lot of what he was saying aligned and overlaid with the things that starting coming up for me on my podcast with Beth about integrating breathwork and plant medicine in my business.

Btw, you can check out Aya’s podcast with Hamilton here, my podcast with Beth will be coming in the next few weeks and I’ll make sure to share it once it’s released.

Wow this post originally was totally different. I meant to write about the last few episodes of The Vital Point podcast because those have been some of the best podcasts that I’ve done so far - and then all of this happened.

So maybe Mercury in Retrograde is misunderstood, because this portal just opened some magic and I’m super excited to share what comes out of it with you here, on IG and on the podcast really soon.

With blessings,


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About the Author

Jonathan Schecter

Jonathan Schecter

Jonathan's interest in the transformative power of the breath is driven by his own healing journey. After practicing meditation and mindfulness in the Zen and Tibetan Buddhist traditions for almost 20 years, he rediscovered breathwork during a dark night of the soul and was amazed at the impact the practice had on his life.

After exploring several types of breathwork and working to create his own system, he found Neurodynamic Breathwork and completed an extensive facilitator-training program that was equal parts breathwork, deep personal development, and training in how to hold space for expanded states of awareness and support others through authentic presence.

This training, combined with lessons learned integrating his own extensive experiences with plant medicine helped Jonathan launch his brand “Blue Magic Alchemy ” that provides 1:1 integration and transformation coaching, a podcast, breathwork and meditation circles, and information to support grounded exploration into altered states of consciousness.