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What are some benefits to practicing breathwork?

The vast benefits of practicing breathwork

One of the most interesting things about explaining breathwork is talking about the benefits, because there are such a wide spectrum of benefits that appeal to different people.

Some people want to do breathwork for increased self-awareness and self-exploration, others for emotional release and healing, and other people are attracted to the benefits to spiritual growth and development.

Regardless, if you're looking to improve your overall well-being and enhance your mental health, Breathwork for Transformation may be the answer you're looking for.

One of the key benefits of breathwork is that it can help to increase self-awareness and facilitate self-exploration.

By entering a non-ordinary state of consciousness, you can gain access to deeper parts of your psyche and explore your inner world in a new way. We refer to this part of yourself as your Inner Guiding Intelligence, but some people call it the Higher Self, and others might even use the word soul.

Practicing breathwork and getting in touch with this Inner Guiding Intelligence can help you to gain a better understanding of yourself and your experiences, leading to greater self-awareness and self-knowledge.

Another benefit of breathwork is that it can facilitate emotional release and healing. By allowing yourself to fully experience and express your emotions, you can release pent-up feelings and traumas that may be stored in your body.

This release is not always a conscious process, but happens through the Inner Guiding Intelligence - this part of your self knows how to release emotions that get stuck. This can help to improve your emotional well-being and reduce the negative effects of stress and unresolved emotions on your mind and body.

Additionally, breathwork can support spiritual growth and development. By accessing non-ordinary states of consciousness, you can open yourself up to new insights and perspectives that can deepen your spiritual practice and enhance your connection to a higher power or sense of meaning and purpose.

Often times first time breathers are skeptical about how powerful and transformative breathwork can be, especially if they've had some experience with plant medicines. But I work with a lot of people who practice breathwork in order to take their medicine work deeper and continue to explore their insights, and in fact this is a part of my practice and what attracted me initially to breathwork!

If you're interested in learning more about breathwork and how it can benefit you, now is a great time to check it out.

Empathic.Health, which is a community I'm a part of whose mission is community support and education for safe and supported psychedelic work is supporting the next 2 Breathwork for Transformation sessions, so if you use the code 'EMPATHIC.HEALTH' when you sign up you'll get 50% off for the sessions on 12/11 at 8:30AM PACIFIC and 12/21 at 3:30 PM PACIFIC.

If you have any other breathwork related questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and I look forward to seeing you soon at Breathwork for Transformation.

With blessings,

About the Author

Jonathan Schecter

Jonathan Schecter

Jonathan's interest in the transformative power of the breath is driven by his own healing journey. After practicing meditation and mindfulness in the Zen and Tibetan Buddhist traditions for almost 20 years, he rediscovered breathwork during a dark night of the soul and was amazed at the impact the practice had on his life.

After exploring several types of breathwork and working to create his own system, he found Neurodynamic Breathwork and completed an extensive facilitator-training program that was equal parts breathwork, deep personal development, and training in how to hold space for expanded states of awareness and support others through authentic presence.

This training, combined with lessons learned integrating his own extensive experiences with plant medicine helped Jonathan launch his brand “Blue Magic Alchemy ” that provides 1:1 integration and transformation coaching, a podcast, breathwork and meditation circles, and information to support grounded exploration into altered states of consciousness.