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What can breathwork do for you?

What can breathwork do for you?

Sometimes I forget that not everyone practices breathwork.

Sometimes I feel like this meme.

I've become that guy that people like to send breathwork stories and articles to, the guy reading books and taking trainings on different breathwork modalities.

At first breathwork was a way for me to leave reality.

I couldn't be in an ayahuasca ceremony, or work with mushrooms all the time, but breathwork would transport me back into a familiar mental and emotional space.

Once I was there I could keep processing, keep exploring, and go even deeper. Some of my early breathwork playlists look very similar to what I'd hear in ceremony - lots of icaros and other healing songs.

Discovering Neurodynamic breathwork was one fo the best things that happened to me. It came at a time when I was trying to figure out how to share breathwork with other people.

It helped me step into a larger world. To put it into medicine terms it was joining a lineage. It provided a framework and guidance and helped expand my understanding.

I learned how to use bodywork to support releases, how to hold space, and all the things that you are capable of through practicing breathwork (because not everyone is using it for psychedelic integration).

I learned I could use it to release anger, fear, and shame. That I could connect to a higher part of myself and my purpose. I learned how to work with different types of music to support the breather's experience.

Like I said, my world was expanding. It's amazing that I get to help people experience these things for themselves in my Breathwork for Transformation online sessions biweekly.

Then something crazy happened. Once I graduated from the Neurodynamic breathwork facilitator training program, I discovered that the world of breathwork is even BIGGER than transformational types of breathing.

I could practice breathwork to calm my nervous system and regulate myself

(which is the optimal state for working with psychedelics btw).

It's also great for giving a presentation at work, falling asleep easier, staying focused, not freaking out during traffic. It's hard to imagine a time when you wouldn't want a regulated nervous system.

And that takes me to where I am now, and my question, what can breathwork do for you?

You want better athletic performance? - Breathwork.
You want to feel more grounded and present? - Breathwork.
You want better emotional catharsis? - Breathwork.
You want to travel the universe without leaving your house? - Breathwork.
You want better athletic performance? - Breathwork.
You want to connect to your purpose? - Breathwork.
You want better sleep? - Breathwork.

I could go on and on.

So get curious about different types of breathwork and what they can do for you.

This will also help you determine the type of facilitators to work with.

For instance my bi-weekly Breathwork for Transformation group containers are a deep dive where you can release emotions and stress, connect to purpose and enter an expanded state of consciousness. I also work with private clients with this modality.

For a wider application of breathwork I offer a 6 week 1 on 1 breathwork coaching program that takes you through the major types of breathwork as well as teaching you the physiology so that you can practice any type of breathing and know whats happening and what to expect from it.

My favorite part about being the "breathwork guy" is that people share their excitement about breathing with me. And if you're still reading you probably like to geek out a bit too. Welcome to the club.

With blessings,


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About the Author

Jonathan Schecter

Jonathan Schecter

Jonathan's interest in the transformative power of the breath is driven by his own healing journey. After practicing meditation and mindfulness in the Zen and Tibetan Buddhist traditions for almost 20 years, he rediscovered breathwork during a dark night of the soul and was amazed at the impact the practice had on his life.

After exploring several types of breathwork and working to create his own system, he found Neurodynamic Breathwork and completed an extensive facilitator-training program that was equal parts breathwork, deep personal development, and training in how to hold space for expanded states of awareness and support others through authentic presence.

This training, combined with lessons learned integrating his own extensive experiences with plant medicine helped Jonathan launch his brand “Blue Magic Alchemy ” that provides 1:1 integration and transformation coaching, a podcast, breathwork and meditation circles, and information to support grounded exploration into altered states of consciousness.